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What are the common problems that occur during the use of gold and silver silk yarn?

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What are the common problems that occur during the use of gold and silver silk yarn?

Date of release:2022-06-14 Author: Click:

What are the common problems that occur during the use of gold and silver silk yarn?
As the saying goes, without rice, one cannot cook. So, without good thread, how can one achieve a very good fabric?
The chemical fiber film gold and silver silk yarn developed in the 1940s is made of two layers of butyl acetate cellulose film sandwiched with a layer of aluminum foil and then cut into thin strips. Later, polyester gold and silver threads were made using polyester film through processes such as aluminum transfer and color coating. Polyester gold and silver thread includes dual color gold and silver thread, colorful gold and silver thread, rainbow thread, fluorescent thread, etc.
Only good gold and silver thread materials can make us feel at ease. In the market, there is a mix of good and bad, and bad gold and silver threads often encounter many problems.
1. Easy to break
Many gold and silver threads in the market are made of ordinary materials and are prone to breakage, not only during sewing but also in the finished product stage, which greatly reduces customer satisfaction.
2. Easy to oxidize, not bright in color
In the market, after purchasing gold and silver silk, we made some products and after a certain period of time, we found that the luster of these threads disappeared and the color became relatively dark. The reason for this is that many gold and silver silk with relatively poor materials are prone to oxidation and lose their metallic luster.
3. Not easy to clean
Many clothes made of gold and silver thread are prone to damage or color changes during the cleaning process, which is caused by different raw materials used in the production of gold and silver thread.
The above is a detailed introduction to the manufacturer of gold and silver silk yarn!

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/496.html

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