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What is the difference between colored gauze and plain gauze?

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What is the difference between colored gauze and plain gauze?

Date of release:2023-08-14 Author: Click:

What is the difference between colored gauze and plain gauze?
There are some differences in material, color, and usage between colored and plain gauze.
Firstly, there may be some differences in material between colored gauze and plain gauze. Color dot yarn is usually woven from fine fibers such as silk, cotton, linen, etc. This textile method can produce a transparent or semi transparent texture, giving people a light and fluffy feeling. In contrast, plain gauze may be more common in cotton or polyester fibers, and its texture may be relatively heavy, but there are also more processes available to create different effects.
Secondly, there are differences in color between colored gauze and plain gauze. Color dots are added to the yarn to create a multi color effect. This textile method can create rich and diverse textures and patterns, adding a touch of brilliance and vitality to clothing or household items. On the contrary, plain gauze is usually a monochrome or pure color without too many patterns or patterns. This makes plain gauze more durable and dignified, suitable for formal occasions or clothing or household items that require a low-key style.
There are also some differences in the use of colored gauze and plain gauze. Colorful dots are usually more suitable for making lightweight clothing in summer, such as dresses, tops, skirts, etc. Its transparent texture and diverse color dots can provide ventilation and cooling effects, while adding a sense of fashion. Plain gauze is more suitable for making universal clothing and household items for all seasons, such as shirts, bed sheets, curtains, etc. The pure color and weight of plain gauze can provide more warmth and thickness, making it suitable for various occasions and seasons.

In addition to the differences mentioned above, there are some similarities between colored gauze and plain gauze. Both colored and plain gauze have good breathability and moisture absorption, making them more comfortable to wear in summer. In addition, both colored and plain gauze can be dyed, printed, or processed as needed to obtain more textures and effects.
In summary, there are some differences in material, color, and usage between colored and plain gauze. Color dot yarn is usually woven from fine fibers and has a variety of colors, making it more suitable for summer wear. On the contrary, plain gauze is usually made of cotton or polyester fibers and is a monochrome or pure color suitable for clothing and household items that are versatile throughout the year. However, both colored and plain gauze have breathability and moisture absorption, and can be processed through dyeing, printing, and other methods to achieve more results. I hope this information can help you better understand the difference between colored dot gauze and plain gauze.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/525.html

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