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What are the characteristics of Duan Caisha?

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What are the characteristics of Duan Caisha?

Date of release:2019-12-21 Author: Click:

Duan Caisha is widely used in clothing fabrics due to its diverse yarns, three-dimensional layering, and rich color variations.
Duan Caisha is a single strand yarn with segmented colors, dots, and bamboo knots, formed by using two or more types of raw materials (colors) of coarse yarn and adding a segment colored yarn device on a spinning machine to achieve continuous feeding of one type of coarse yarn as the main body and intermittent feeding of the other type of coarse yarn as the auxiliary yarn. During production, one motor drives the middle and one motor drives the rear rollers separately: the middle rollers are continuously fed, while the rear rollers are intermittently fed.
How to distinguish between bamboo yarn and colored yarn
1. The difference in color and appearance between segment colored yarn and bamboo slub yarn
Duan Caisha can be understood as an upgraded and mutated product evolved from the production of bamboo yarn after entering color spinning.
Bamboo yarn is a well-known product and a typical case of unorthodox thinking in stretching technology.
The pursuit of traditional thinking is to find ways to stabilize the draft, reduce the unevenness of the draft, make the yarn lines more uniform, and further reduce the CV value. If there is unevenness in the thickness of the yarn, it means unevenness in the evenness, and serious problems in the thickness are coarse knots and fine yarn defects.
Bamboo yarn precisely utilizes this principle of yarn defects to artificially create yarn coarseness and details. The process of manufacturing this bamboo yarn is to make the draft unstable, and achieve changes in yarn thickness through dynamic changes in the main draft of fine yarn;
The more chaotic the stretching changes, the better the style of bamboo yarn, and the more popular it is among people, hence it is called "fuzzy bamboo yarn technology".
Bamboo knot yarn is a natural color spinning product, and the bamboo knot part of bamboo knot yarn is the same color as the base yarn part;
Duan Caisha is a color spun product and also a bamboo knot yarn, but the bamboo knot part is not the same color as the base yarn part.
Color spinning is a product of the combination of color, art, and spinning technology, with color and artistic elements providing space for the development of color spinning products.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/451.html

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