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What is the difference between composite yarn segment dyeing and segment colored yarn

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What is the difference between composite yarn segment dyeing and segment colored yarn

Date of release:2019-12-21 Author: Click:

Duan colored yarn: It is a bamboo like single strand yarn with colorful length or dots formed by using two or more types of raw materials (colors) of coarse yarn and installing a segment colored yarn device on a spinning machine to achieve continuous feeding of coarse yarn as the main body from the middle roller and intermittent feeding of auxiliary yarn from the back roller. With the development of spinning technology, there are also segment colored yarns with equal density.
Composite yarn segment dyeing: Dyeing a single yarn into a yarn with two or more colors, alternating between colors.
So, what are the differences between Duan colored yarn and Duan dyed yarn? It can be distinguished from aspects such as process flow.
Ordinary section colored yarn: The raw materials are usually colored polyester fibers and cotton fibers, each with a suitable blending ratio. Cotton is used as the main coarse yarn, and colored polyester is used as the auxiliary coarse yarn, which is spun on a fine yarn machine; Due to the different dye absorption properties of the main and auxiliary yarns, spinning (ring spinning) first and then dyeing, the main and auxiliary yarns can display different colors.
Raw material selection → front spinning → fine yarn → winding → weaving and dyeing (overall dyeing)
Composite yarn segment dyeing: Spinning first (both ring spinning and non ring spinning can be used) and then segment dyeing. It can be used to dye tube yarn or twisted yarn. The methods of segment dyeing include mechanical segment dyeing and original manual segment dyeing. After segment dyeing, a single yarn can present multiple colors with clear boundaries.
Raw material selection → spinning → winding or twisting → segmented dyeing
Many consumers are not divided into what is composite yarn segment dyeing and what is segment colored yarn. The above explains the difference between composite yarn segment dyeing and segment colored yarn from the perspective of processing technology, making it very easy to distinguish. Consumers are clear about what kind of material they need and what kind of fabric they choose when making a purchase. Jutai section dyeing produces high-quality composite yarn section dyeing, all cotton section dyeing, yarn section dyeing, and various fancy section dyeing.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/450.html

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