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Introduction to the specific classification of gold and silver silk yarn

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Introduction to the specific classification of gold and silver silk yarn

Date of release:2020-02-04 Author: Click:

Gold and silver yarn refers to the color classification made on the vacuum aluminum plating layer on the polyester film of the gold and silver yarn fabric. The important information on the fabric composition is only based on the yarn on the fabric.
The common variety of modern gold and silver thread is vacuum Duri hair made of polyester film. Originating from the United States in the early 1950s, China began to form industrial production in the 1970s. The advantages of this gold and silver wire now are: delicacy, softness, lightness, bright color, and low price
1. Cross LI vacuum treated gold and silver thread polyester, a single-layer film of polyester, the protective film is coated with resin and dyed with fabric;
Figure 2. The composite silver wire is a lithium foil sandwiched between two layers of polyester film, mainly used for dyeing fabrics;
3. There are also circular gold and silver threads used for theatrical stage costumes, which are currently fashionable
As shown in Figure 4, in addition to "rainbow colored gold and silver" used for colored fabrics, especially decorative fabrics.
Gold and silver yarn is attached to the yarn with silver or gold thread, and it is not processed afterwards, but is already connected during spinning. Gold and silver threads are widely used in our clothing fabrics, such as hats, clothes, socks, etc., due to the influence of fabric color on the glossiness of the fabric.
The color of gold and silver silk yarn can be customized and adjusted according to needs. You can use the Qi Rongxuan Pantone color code to report or provide color yarn samples or fabric samples. If subsequent dyeing is needed, you can choose to customize silver silk that can be dyed, which means the relative cost is much higher And there are also some special features, which are the light multi-color nature of the yarn, which is the combination of colored yarn and golden silk yarn And gold thread may not necessarily be made of silver or gold thread, there are also various shiny colored threads

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/457.html

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