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What is Segmented Color Yarn?

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What is Segmented Color Yarn?

Date of release:2019-12-09 Author: Click:

What is Duan Caisha? What is 8 count cotton slub yarn? The difference between Duan Caisha and 8-count cotton slub yarn is that 8-count cotton slub yarn is a natural color spinning product, and the slub part of 8-count cotton slub yarn is the same color as the base yarn; Duan Caisha is a color spun product and also an 8-count cotton slub yarn, but the slub part is not the same color as the base yarn part.
Eight cotton slub yarns are fed into a single coarse yarn, and the method of changing the draft is mainly achieved through synchronous speed change of the middle and back rollers of the fine yarn. Duan Caisha is fed with two coarse yarns with different colors. The 8-count cotton slub yarn device has evolved from controlling the synchronous speed change of the middle and rear rollers of the fine yarn to only controlling the intermittent movement of the rear rollers of the fine yarn. The main coarse yarn strip is fed continuously from the middle roller, and the decorative coarse yarn strip is fed intermittently from the rear roller.
After being stretched and twisted, the main coarse yarn strip forms the main part of the yarn, while the decorative coarse yarn strip intermittently enters the stretching area. After being stretched and twisted, it forms colored bamboo knots. In addition to the different colors of the bamboo knots, the shape of the bamboo knots in the segmented colored yarn is also different from that of the ordinary 8-count cotton bamboo knot yarn. It has another beloved fuzzy style, which originates from the characteristic of variable stretching. The natural color 8-count cotton slub yarn has a front stretch change, a segment color yarn has a back stretch change, and the front stretch change is the main stretch zone with double rubber rings.
Compared to simple stretching types, it is more effective in controlling floating fibers. Therefore, in the natural 8-count cotton slub yarn, the shape of the bamboo knots with the same magnification and length is the same. The back section is a simple stretching type, and two pairs of rubber rollers cannot effectively control floating fibers, resulting in a more chaotic speed change of floating fibers. Therefore, the segment colored yarn brought by the back section change stretching has a fuzzy style due to the chaotic speed change of floating fibers, which is highly favored by people.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/448.html

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