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The problems and solutions arising from the spinning process of Duan colored yarn

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The problems and solutions arising from the spinning process of Duan colored yarn

Date of release:2021-06-11 Author: Click:

The problems and solutions arising from the spinning process of Duan colored yarn
The spinning principle of Duan Caisha is completely different from conventional spinning processes. In fact, it achieves a style of coarse and fine yarn appearance through the clearance movement of the fine yarn stretching components. So the modifications to the fine yarn drafting components are as follows:
1. Install a coarse yarn frame and guide device, install a horn mouth of the roller and matching slide seat, etc.
2. Changing the conventional rear draft gear to artificially cause rear roller stalling. This causes a fed coarse yarn to be pulled apart by gaps.
3. The matching coarse yarn is divided into A coarse yarn and B coarse yarn, which are fed into the middle and back rollers of the fine yarn respectively. The quantity of coarse yarn is about half of that of conventional yarn.
4. For spinning segment colored yarns with short segment color length and segment color distance, i.e. segment color length or segment color distance ≤ 5CM (referring to twice the thickness, if the segment thickness is thicker, the corresponding length is longer), the limit requirement is that the front roller speed cannot exceed 200 revolutions.
5. For some spinning processes with ultra short segment length (segment length or segment pitch significantly lower than fiber length), due to the different stretching forms of fibers in the jaws, there may be significant errors between the actual results and input parameters. That is, the phenomenon where the length of the segment becomes longer and the thickness of the segment is not enough. At the same time, it varies with different coarseness and length; It varies with the position of the jaws. Manufacturers should pay attention to calibration work in this regard
6. All process parameter inputs for this device are calculated according to standard theoretical process algorithms. Due to the differences in equipment models, vehicle conditions, and operating efficiency among different manufacturers, there may be slight differences in the actual results. Manufacturers need to inspect and correct the produced segment colored yarn, with the actual results being the main focus.
7. When not spinning colored yarn or parking for a long time, the power to the control box must be turned off. When the servo motor is running normally, it is normal for the body temperature to be below 60 ° C. Regular dust removal and maintenance should be carried out on the control box to avoid unnecessary malfunctions.
8. The 220V power supply for the servo motor should be taken from the main return circuit of the vehicle power supply, otherwise abnormal shutdown may cause yarn breakage in the entire vehicle.
The key to spinning segment colored yarn well lies in how to effectively manage the dynamic management of the special process and equipment, and how to effectively manage the operation. Due to the characteristics of Duan Cai yarn, it is a product with small batches and many color changes. Therefore, the branch classification work of the front spinning must be strictly done, and even the lower legs must be strictly controlled. Every color combination is achieved through drawing, and it is necessary to strengthen the education of the sense of responsibility of the drawing blocking workers.
In the fine yarn process, it is even more important to strengthen the quality awareness of the blocking workers, conduct frequent patrols, especially strengthen the inspection of the feeding part of the coarse yarn, to avoid the phenomenon of A or B yarn breakage when A and B yarns are fed simultaneously.
Duan Caisha manufacturer

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/486.html

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