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Several commonly used production devices for colored dot yarn

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Several commonly used production devices for colored dot yarn

Date of release:2021-06-10 Author: Click:

Several commonly used production devices for colored dot yarn
Colorful dot yarn adds dark colored particles to light colored fabrics, creating a unique style with colorful dots on the surface of the fabric. In the production process of colored dot yarn, some devices are inevitably used, and the following devices are generally required for producing colored dot yarn:
1. Clear flower self leveling instrument.
2. Airflow spinning and fine yarn machine renovation for spinning bamboo slub yarn equipment.
3. Elastic core yarn device.
4. Non elastic filament core-spun yarn device.
5. Transformation of spinning machine to spin broken colored yarn device.
6. Transformation of the spinning machine into a compact spinning device.
Due to the addition of short fiber particles, colored dot yarn is generally spun coarser, between 100-250 tex (4-10 count). Among them, coarse combed woolen fabrics are more commonly used, such as Hemsbourne in coarse tweed, which is woven with colored dot yarn.
But polyester short fibers can also be twisted into particles, mixed in cotton yarn, woven into fabric, and then dyed at room temperature. Because polyester requires high temperature and high pressure to disperse dyes for coloring, it generates a unique style of starry white dots on the surface of the fabric.
In addition, dark colored particles are also added to light colored fabrics to create colorful ideas on the surface of the fabric, forming a unique style.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/485.html

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