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What are the characteristics of using colored dot yarn

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What are the characteristics of using colored dot yarn

Date of release:2020-04-26 Author: Click:

The connection point of each yarn in the color of the yarn is called the surface of the colored yarn. On a pitch black background, there are light attachment points and color depth light yarn connection points. This color dot uses short fibers with multiple particles, usually added in spinning, cotton spinning equipment, or whether the equipment can twist the coarse spinning system to color the hair particles after dyeing.
Due to the addition of short fiber particles, we usually spin the yarn coarser, between 100-250 tex (4-10 metric yarns). Among them, coarse combed woolen fabrics are relatively more commonly used, such as Hemsbourne (steel wool) in coarse tweed, which is woven with colored dot yarn. Polyester short fibers can also be twisted into a particle, mixed in cotton yarn, woven into fabric, and then dyed at room temperature. Shaku specializes in producing colored dot yarns, as the production of polyester requires high-temperature and high-pressure system dispersion treatment for dye enterprises to complete coloring. Therefore, the surface of this fabric material reacts to generate a sky like white dot, with a unique style. There are also dark colored particles added to light colored fabrics to create more colorful and colorful ideas on the surface of the fabric structure, forming a teaching style that students develop independently.

One of the more unique styles of patterned yarn with colored dots. During the production of color dot sorting, friction treatment is required; Sorting, due to the addition of 1% color dots, the fibers are fully combed, and the color dots cannot be completely opened to maintain the state of the particles. Therefore, handling this is a contradiction. Therefore, the key points in designing and kneading the color of the yarn spun by the combing process are crucial.
Sorting out the process for design is the key to spinning good colored dot yarn; Color dot yarn evaluation has a relatively fuzzy nature, relying on sensory inspection to examine its differences from the design. Color dot production and sorting can protect the development of the work process with a certain degree of randomness, which is the focus of color dot yarn process system design and quality management control; Adopting scientific and reasonable process technology design, equipment transformation, and needle cloth selection to meet the teaching requirements for color dot production and sorting, while meeting the unique style and different needs of color dots.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/466.html

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