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What are the specific characteristics of colored dot yarn?

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What are the specific characteristics of colored dot yarn?

Date of release:2020-04-06 Author: Click:

The yarn that adheres every color concept to the surface of the yarn is called colored dot yarn There are light dots attached to the dark base yarn, and dark dots attached to the light base yarn This type of color dot is usually composed of various short fiber particles, which are dyed and then added to spinning. Whether it is cotton spinning equipment or combed wool spinning equipment, excellent wool particles can be rubbed
Due to the addition of particles to short fibers, it typically spins thicker yarns between 100 and 250 tex (4-10 common support). Among them, thicker combed wool is used, such as our fire department farm (twill steel), and the color dots of the warp are woven in twill. Twisted particles of polyester short fibers are also useful in mixed yarns, and dyed fabrics are woven at room temperature. Cooling professional yarn color dot yarn, polyester disperses dye colors due to high temperature and pressure, resulting in white spots such as stars on the surface of the fabric, creating a unique style. In addition, dark colored granular fabrics have been added, and such a rich and colorful idea has emerged on the surface of the fabric, forming its own style.

Compared to traditional cultural processes, color spinning enterprises have more environmentally friendly, fashionable, and technologically advanced technologies. Firstly, colored spinning is safer and more environmentally friendly. Color spun yarn can analyze and dye some fibers first, and then mix them with the original fiber structure to form a yarn that is dyed and then spun. Compared with traditional spinning and dyeing processes, this yarn can save more than 60% of water and reduce urban sewage by more than 60%. It has a very obvious competitive advantage in energy conservation, emission reduction, and environmental management research. Secondly, color spun yarn pursues fashion more.
Colorful dots on the same yarn exhibit multiple colors, rich in color, full and soft. The fabric woven with colored dots has a hazy three-dimensional effect and a soft hand feel. Thirdly, there is a high content of color spinning technology The dyeing process of colored spun yarn is unique, with high technical content in fiber dyeing, color matching, and multi fiber blending, and has certain technical barriers

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/464.html

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