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A detailed introduction to feather yarn

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A detailed introduction to feather yarn

Date of release:2020-06-09 Author: Click:

It is almost feather yarn, with a pattern in the domestic market of the four thread future, which is composed of a core wire and a sans serif structure, with feathers arranged in a specific direction. This method mainly involves knitting and velvet cutting, known as a "needle knife". Knitting to form a single core thread and the core thread is clamped in the middle with two cutters to cut the feather decoration yarn, resulting in natural feathers standing upright, good luster, and a soft length. Due to the directional distribution of fuzz, in addition to the soft luster of weaving, the fabric has a complete appearance, high decorative effect, and is more prone to shedding than other characteristics of fluff and feather yarn. Due to its good performance and strong warmth retention, it should be widely used in clothing, hats, scarves, socks, gloves, and products have a great response in the market, especially with increasing demand in foreign markets. Feather yarn is a product with high economic benefits and good development prospects.

Feather yarn can be produced through various fiber yarn products, currently commonly used in China are viscose, nylon, acrylic, and polyester. The main component of a feather is the core thread, and its raw materials and quality and safety performance research must establish compliance with the requirements of Chinese knitting yarn. Decorative yarn is the main performance of feather yarn, which determines the sensory effect of the finished yarn of the enterprise. Decorative yarn fibers can be required to have good luster, elasticity, and can naturally stand upright. The strength of decorative yarn should not be too high, and it should be easy for us to cut, so that we can obtain a uniform length of fuzz. Students are not prone to shedding hair, and it is generally advisable to use long silk. Core thread decorative yarn should use some raw materials with the same heat shrinkage rate to prevent the finishing and dyeing results of yarn from causing long, short hair, twist shrinkage, and uneven yarn.
Core yarn determines the final count of decorative yarns, which also depends on the number of crochets affected by the effective grip used for core yarn decoration. Decorative yarns can be 1-3 times larger than coarse core yarns. For example, using a 6.5Nm feather gloss nylon yarn, a 70D/24f core yarn of semi matte nylon is used, and a 75D/24f nylon filament coconut oil is used to feed two people with decorative yarn to ensure yarn quality. In our selection of materials and screening, we compared the semi extinction of 70D/24F filament with a smooth surface. The cutting edge on the fiber is prone to slipping, but it has resistance to bending and tensile strength, and can be used as a core. The cross-section of 75D/24F glossy trilobal fibers is easy to cut and has excellent optical properties, with a larger coefficient than friction suitable for use as decorative yarn. The fabric has a thick and durable feel, making it a plush fabric that can maintain a full and straight velvet surface with good fluffiness and luster.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/468.html

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