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What is the historical origin of gold and silver silk?

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What is the historical origin of gold and silver silk?

Date of release:2023-09-05 Author: Click:

What is the historical origin of gold and silver silk?
Gold and silver silk is an ancient and exquisite handicraft, whose historical origin can be traced back to ancient China.
The early production technology of gold and silver silk can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. At that time, gold and silver silk was called "jin" and was used to make high-grade clothing and household items. These gold and silver threads are often intertwined and woven together, forming various patterns and patterns. With the passage of time, the craftsmanship of gold and silver silk yarn has continuously developed and become a treasure in traditional Chinese handicrafts.
Gold and silver silk reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty, becoming a representative of the era. The gold and silver silk handicrafts of the Tang Dynasty were widely used in the fashion, patterned embroidery belts, screen paintings and other decorations of literati and literati. With their luxurious texture and meticulous craftsmanship, they were highly sought after by scholars. The court attire of the Tang Dynasty also extensively used magnificent clothing made of gold and silver silk, showcasing the prosperity and grandeur of the Tang Dynasty.
However, with the decline of the Tang Dynasty, the production technology of gold and silver silk gradually lost its transmission. In the Song Dynasty, although gold and silver silk was still used for noble clothing and decorations, its craftsmanship was no longer as exquisite as during the Tang Dynasty. The production process of gold and silver silk gradually shifted towards silk weaving, replacing gold and silver thread with silk thread, reducing costs, but also causing the loss of the texture and uniqueness of gold and silver silk yarn.
In the Yuan Dynasty, the production technology of gold and silver silk once again reached its peak. The Yuan Dynasty was a highly prosperous dynasty in Chinese history, and gold and silver silk could perfectly meet the aesthetic needs of luxury and romanticism during this period. The gold and silver silk yarn of the Yuan Dynasty was famous for its unique craftsmanship and exquisite pattern design, becoming a sought after commodity by the court and wealthy merchants at that time. The gold and silver silk of the Yuan Dynasty spread from China to various parts of the world, becoming an important medium for cultural exchange between the East and the West.
The Ming Dynasty was a turning point in the production technology of gold and silver silk. The gold and silver silk yarn of the Ming Dynasty not only innovated in its production process, but also incorporated silk painting technology, making the patterns of the gold and silver silk yarn more exciting and diverse. In the Ming Dynasty, gold and silver silk was mostly used to make screens, curtains, and furniture decorations, becoming an important element for wealthy people to decorate their interiors. In the Qing Dynasty, gold and silver silk gradually moved from the palace to the folk and integrated into various traditional festivals and opera performances.
The modern technique of making gold and silver silk has undergone significant changes compared to the past, mainly in terms of material and technological innovation. Modern gold and silver threads often use metal alloy threads to replace traditional gold and silver threads, improving the durability and cost-effectiveness of gold and silver threads. At the same time, modern gold and silver silk craftsmanship draws on traditional production techniques, emphasizing the expression of original patterns and delicate craftsmanship. Modern gold and silver silk production has shifted from manual production to mechanized production. Although it has lost some unique features of pure handmade craftsmanship, it has also better met the needs of modern society.
Overall, gold and silver silk is a precious handicraft in ancient China, which has undergone a long process of development and formed a unique production process and artistic style. It is not only an important component of ancient Chinese culture, but also a treasure of traditional Chinese handicrafts, which has important historical significance for studying the development of ancient Chinese culture and craftsmanship. In modern society, gold and silver silk is still loved and admired by people, becoming one of the important windows to showcase traditional Chinese culture.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/526.html

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