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What are the specific characteristics of colored dot yarn and segment colored yarn?

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What are the specific characteristics of colored dot yarn and segment colored yarn?

Date of release:2020-02-21 Author: Click:

Color dot yarn and segment color yarn are both yarns with diverse patterns and expressive power. The combination style of color dot yarn and segment color yarn is diverse, and the products are novel. How are colored dots and colored yarns produced? Key points of production process sharing:
Carding process
Considering that during the drawing process, conventional green strips need to be combined with colored dot green strips, as well as the style requirements of the segmented colored fabric surface, it is necessary to protect fibers as much as possible, reduce short fibers and cotton knots, and lower the impurity content of green strips. This lays a good foundation for reducing yarn knots, impurities, and coarse and fine knots, and reduces the problem of cotton knots caused by poor carding, which can affect the quality of the fabric surface due to the appearance of "discolored dots".
2. Cleaning process
When producing colored dots, based on the need to protect the dots, the carding machine needs to reduce the carding intensity and control the amount of cotton drop (which will contain more colored dots); Therefore, the flower cleaning process needs to undertake more tasks of loosening and removing impurities; In addition to selecting materials with high strength and low impurities, the cleaning process should adopt the process principle of "combing instead of beating, strengthening loosening, and reducing damage with more drops".
3 Fine yarn process
Colored dot segment colored yarn is a yarn produced using segment colored yarn production technology by using coarse yarn containing colored dots as auxiliary coarse yarn (or main coarse yarn). The main coarse yarn is fed into the spinning machine from the middle bell mouth, and the auxiliary coarse yarn is fed into the spinning machine from the back bell mouth. The auxiliary coarse yarn is randomly or regularly fed into the spinning machine through the back roller, producing segmented colored yarn with varying thickness, varying color segment lengths, and mixed with colored dots. Therefore, the fine yarn process is a key process for producing color dot segment colored yarn, and it is necessary to strengthen the management of process configuration, operation technology, and equipment operation status in this process to ensure the stability of color dot segment colored yarn product quality.
4 drawing process
Feed the produced colored dot green strips and regular green strips in a certain proportion into the first drawing machine, and after merging the two layers, the colored dots will be evenly distributed in the strips. In the two merging processes, due to the presence of many colored dots in the strip, the stretching process is prone to entanglement roller problems. Therefore, it is possible to appropriately reduce the roller speed and increase the drawing ratio to improve the directional straightness of the fibers; The horn diameter should be larger to prevent breakage due to blockage.
5 Roving process
When using colored dot roving as an auxiliary roving, a smaller quantity is selected and the twist coefficient of the roving is increased. Generally, the twist coefficient is increased by 15% to 20% compared to regular yarn, so that the colored dots are tightly wrapped in the strand; Properly controlling the elongation of coarse yarn lays a good foundation for the stability of fine yarn drafting. The main coarse yarn is fed from the back of the roller in the spinning machine and does not go through the back draft, so the twist coefficient of the coarse yarn should be relatively small to ensure the normal draft of the fine yarn.

The address of this article:http://en.chinamilantex.com/news/458.html

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